Friday 4 January 2013

Refreshing Musky Leather Jacket

Remove That Muskiness

It has been years since mum wore that leather jacket of hers. When we removed it from the plastic cover that the dry cleaner has slipped over, we could smell the STRONG muskiness.

Hubs being the wiser and well-read one, instructed me to attempt removing the mold with his Armorall Protector, the McKenic Germ Killer and a spongy type of 'scrub'. After half an hour of brushing the jacket with the tools, the mold is no longer visible. However, the muskiness did not seem to budge.

So off I googled for more solution and chanced upon using sodium bicarbonate to refresh the jacket. It requires leaving the jacket wrapped in a paper bag and stored in a container for 24 hours with an opened box if sodium bicarbonate. After almost 18 hours, I opened up the box to check. The lining of the jacket which was folded outwards seemed to smell fresher than before, but not the leather.

Hence, I folded the jacket the right way (with the lining folded inwards). Wrapped everything in the bag again and placed it back into the box. This time I sprinkled more of the sodium bicarbonate generously around the bag of jacket before closing the box.

In the next 24 hours, i shall be back to reveal the result of this DIY experiment.

Please stay tuned.....

UPDATE: Sorry for the LOOOOOONG silence. The sodium bicarbonate didn't work so I sprinkled more sodium bicarbonate all over the box and placed a container with some coffee powder in the box as recommended by my friend to rid smell 2 days after. 

Result: I just removed the jacket from the box today at 26 January 2013. Conclusion is the leather is clean and smells good. But the lining of the jacket still smells dusty. Perhaps the best solution remains in sending the jacket to the dry cleaners periodically.

Please leave a note to share your experience.

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